Posts Tagged ‘ATD’
Thursday, August 1st, 2019
A common problem among vehicles is heating concerns. In this article we will discuss what occurs when your vehicle’s blower motor won’t run or will only run on one speed. We will discuss how you can test this and fix the problem.
When your blower motor doesn’t work most people just assume that the blower motor is at fault. This is not true and can lead you to waste money on replacing a blower motor that will not fix your problem. In order to understand how to diagnose and fix the problem we must first understand how a blower motor circuit works.
Tags: ATD, blower motor, fan switch, heat, heater, heater doesn't work, heating, no heat, poor heat, Poor Heating, relay block, resistor, resistor block, sk, Tools
Posted in Air Conditioning and Heating, Electrical | No Comments »
Tuesday, March 25th, 2014
Ball joints are a common cause of problems in the suspension and steering systems of new vehicles. They can be easy to replace if they need to be or else they can be difficult to replace if they are riveted or pressed into place. If you have ones that are simply bolted in place or threaded in take a look at this Ball Joint Replacement and Inspection. That article will tell you how to properly diagnose and replace bolted on or threaded in ball joints.
OTC-6530 Ball Joint Master Kit
Tags: ATD, ball joint, ball joint removal, drill, drill bit, ing, mkt, otc, press fit, pressed in, punch, rivet, riveted, rivets, steering, Suspension, Tools
Posted in Suspension | No Comments »
Saturday, March 22nd, 2014
Summer Vehicle Prep
When it comes to different seasons, there are different things that you should do to your vehicle to help keep it running in perfect condition. With summer here it is time to start thinking about preparing your vehicle for the summer.
There are several things that you should do when you are thinking about preparing your vehicle for the summer. They are all important and should all be done to help keeping your vehicle in top shape.
Tags: air filter, ATD, changing air filter, etqtpw, mils, pressure washing, shop vac, spv, summer, Summer Vehicle Prep, vacuum, washing
Posted in Seasonal Vehicle Prep | No Comments »
Thursday, March 20th, 2014
Replacing a Ford V6 timing chain is a fairly difficult task if you don’t know what you are doing. It can become a head ache if you don’t do the procedure correctly.
The timing chain is what drives the camshaft and in Ford’s case the camshaft position sensor. If you have a timing chain that is worn or stretched it can cause a lot of problems.
Tags: alternator, ast, astro pneumatic, ATD, ford, ford car, ford v6, lis, lisle, timing chain, timing cover, timing cover gasket, v6, water pump, water pump gasket
Posted in Engine | No Comments »
Sunday, November 17th, 2013
How to diagnose and replace a faulty O2 sensor using a Fluke 233/a multimeter

With gas mileage a major concern of many people today it is smart to know when you should replace your O2 sensor.

An O2 sensor or oxygen sensor sends a signal to the PCM or Powertrain Control Module in your vehicle and lets it know how much oxygen is in your exhaust. The O2 sensor is the main source of input on the PCM control of fuel. The O2 sensor can be misleading to the PCM however. If the O2 sensor is not functioning properly your vehicle can be running extremely rich, causing your vehicle to lack power and have a decrease in fuel mileage. The O2 sensor can also cause your vehicle to be running lean and can cause a dangerous situation for your vehicle engine.
Tags: ATD, flu, fluke, fuel mileage, gas mileage, jack, jack stands, lean, lis, lisle, O2 sensor, oxygen sensor, PCM, powertrain control module, rich, Tools
Posted in Electrical, Engine Miss, Fuel System, Gas Saving Tips | No Comments »
Sunday, July 28th, 2013

Coolant Flush tools Uview 570000 Robinair 75700
How to properly flush your cooling system manually
Your vehicle’s cooling system can become corroded after years of use. This corrosion occurs from the minerals in your coolant collecting inside your cooling system. Some other damage may occur over time due to old age of your vehicle’s cooling system. Another damaging factor could be that your vehicle has some sort of mechanical malfunction which damaged the cooling system.
Tags: antifreeze, ATD, blz, coolant, Cooling System, Cooling System Flush, lis, lisle, overheating, radiator, radiator flush, thx, Tools
Posted in Cooling System | 1 Comment »
Thursday, April 14th, 2011
Installing rear brake pads on a vehicle equipped with an integral parking brake may be difficult if you don’t know what you are doing.
For those who do not know an integral parking brake means that your caliper piston does two jobs. First it applies pressure to the pads when you press the brake pedal. Second it has a ratchet mechanism to apply pressure when you press the parking brake. How this system works is the caliper piston instead of just pushing out like it would on a normal system, rotates while it comes out. The rotation is how the parking brake applies. This is what makes changing brake pads difficult on these vehicles if you don’t have the correct tool. You need a tool that rotates and presses the piston in at the same time.
Tags: ATD, brake, brake pad, brake pads, Brakes, caliper, caliper piston, lis, lisle tools, parking brake, piston depressing, special tool, Tools
Posted in Brakes | No Comments »
Sunday, March 27th, 2011
Intake gaskets can be a very costly failure if you do not service them immediately upon finding them worn. The intake gaskets on GM 3.1 liter, 3.4 liter, and 3.8 liter are very well known for having troubles. These are some vehicles that have intake gasket problems. So if you have a vehicle with one of these engines in them, make sure that you ask your dealership about some of the updated gaskets and intake manifolds to help prevent the failure.
We will discuss how an intake gasket fails. Generally the intake gasket fails so that you will have engine coolant leaking into the engine. This is bad because a liquid is not only uncompressible and can hydro lock a motor but it does not mix with oil. If you run the engine long enough with this leak then you will have a lack of lubrication because there will be water in your oil and water does not have the lubrication properties of engine oil.
Tags: 3.1l, 3.4l, 3.8l, ATD, bleeding coolant system, coolant, cooling, GM, intake, intake gaskets, v6
Posted in Engine | No Comments »
Tuesday, March 1st, 2011
The PCV system on modern vehicles plays a major role in the proper operation of the engine. It is a very simple system and often time is forgotten about in diagnosis. The PCV or Positive Crankcase Ventilation system if working incorrectly can lead to many problems in driveability.
The PCV system works by allowing fresh air from your intake tubing to blow through the engine. This clean air then mixes with hydrocarbons and then passes into your intake manifold to be burned. The PCV system prevents pressure from building up in your engine and is also an emission device.
If you have a PCV system that is not working correctly you can have many problems with your vehicle. We will discuss some of these problems but first we must understand the components of the PCV system.
Tags: air filter, ATD, emissions, hydrocarbons, intake, intake tube, maf, mass air flow sensor, oil, pcv, positive crankcase ventilation
Posted in Engine | No Comments »
Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Cleaning your throttle body.
A dirty throttle body can cause many different vehicle related concerns. It can cause a lack in power, hard starting, poor idling, stalling, and many more problems. Overtime your throttle body will begin to gain carbon and after time will cause some driveability concerns.
The carbon on the throttle body causes a lack of air or restrictions to airflow. This will affect your vehicle’s performance. It is normal and should not require a whole lot of skill to fix. This article will discuss the procedure to fix your dirty throttle body.
Tags: ATD, carb cleaner, carbon, carburaetor cleaner, clean throttle body, cleaning throttle body, dirty throttle body, mils, soot, throttle body, throttle body cleaner
Posted in Engine, Engine Miss, Fuel System | No Comments »