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Mini LED UV Flashlight Kit

MST-53582 Mini LED UV Flashlight Kit
  • Part Number: MST-53582
  • Features:
    Mini UV Flashlight (53512-UV)
    1 oz die injector with replaceable 1 oz die cartridge (10 application)
    Low Side Hose
    R12 adapter
    UV Enhancing Safety Glasses
    Service Information Labels
    Packaged in a clam shell
  • Price:  $42.33
  • Weight:  1.30


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For A/C, Cooling, Oil, Transmission, and Fuel Systems
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Simply shine the UV light on adhesive to harden in 10-20 seconds!
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Comparable to 26W Fluorescent Lights
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Compatible with all lubricants and refrigerants
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Find leaks others miss!
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Price: $78.95
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The most popular leak detection system in the world with the most powerful light
Price: $165.00
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Refill your coolant system without airlocks!
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Used to remove and refill cooling systems
Price: $1,198.00

Contact Info

40423 County Hwy. 1

Richville, MN 56576
