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Actron U Scan CP9599 Diagnostic for your Smartphone

KAL-CP9599 Actron U Scan CP9599 Diagnostic for your Smartphone
  • Part Number: KAL-CP9599
  • Watch YouTube Video

    •U-Scan provides DIYers with access to their vehicle diagnostics using their smartphone, providing essential information to help you fix your vehicle quickly and easily all while saving you money.

    •Get the answers to the cause of the check engine light. Simply plug in the adapter in your vehicle and read the definitions for the codes that caused the check engine light to illuminate on your Android or Apple smartphone.

    •Review vehicle emissions status (I/M Monitors)

    •Wirelessly connects to your iPhone, iPod or Android smartphone via BlueTooth

    •AutoID™ - Automatically identifies most 2000 and newer vehicles

    •TrueLink™ - Guaranteed to link to all 1996 and newer vehicles

    •MyGarage™ Vehicle Manager

    •QuickCheck™ Vehicle Diagnostics Summary

    •TrueLink™ - Guaranteed to link to all 1996 and newer vehicles

    •MyGarage™ Vehicle Manager

    •QuickCheck™ Vehicle Diagnostics Summary

    •Vehicle Activity Log – History

    Features Available with In-App Purchase

    •U-Scan provides reliable professional level information to DIYers with the next step in diagnostic automotive repair: CodeConnect®. The CodeConnect database includes over 4.3 million Top Reported Fixes to the problems that caused the check engine light to illuminate. The fixes are verified by our team of ASE certified technicians. They are also prioritized with the most probable solution to the problem at the top of the list and are specific to the vehicle’s make, model and year.

    •Get access to the ABS brake codes and definitions related to the ABS warning light for most 1996 and newer GM, Ford, Chrysler, Honda, Hyundai, Nissan and Toyota vehicles

    •Read and graph LIVE data sensors, RPMs, coolant temperature and more for a faster diagnosis.
  • Price:  $27.77
  • Weight:  0.50


Contact Info

40423 County Hwy. 1

Richville, MN 56576
